Frank reported that pump and booster running times have averaged 1.65 hours per day over the last month. Standing water levels have changed with standing water levels at 38-feet at well one, 18-feet at well two, and the horizontal well is producing 9.5-gallons per minute. Frank reported no problems with pumping over the last month.
No leaks were reported or found over the last month. Frank reported working on our semi annual valve maintenance program and reported most of our valves are in good shape. Frank reported there are a couple of valves that had become tight since they were last exercised. Frank reported working on hydrant maintenance which involves exercising the isolation valves and painting the hydrants .
Frank reported that our hydrants have become faded with rust spots beginning to appear and painting them will reduce the corrosion of the hydrants. Frank reported that the system pressure reducing valve vaults have been cleaned out and the valves are working well at this time. Frank also reported running the generator at well one, and working on locating a service valve on Spruce that will need to be replaced once he finds it. Frank stated all other maintenance has bee routine with all biological sample results absent for coliform bacteria.