Frank reported pump and booster running times are averaging 3.5 hours per day, as compared to 4.8 hours per day for the month of August 2015. Standing water levels are 38-feet at well one, 17-feet at well 2, with the horizontal well producing 9.25 gallons per minute, which is less than the 9.5 gallons per minute for the month of August 2015. No problems with pumping was reported.
Frank reported no leaks were found or reported over the last month, and all maintenance has been routine. Frank stated that he had completed the monthly water production report today and found that for the first nine months of 2015 our total demand for water has declined by 2.95 million gallons as compared to the same time period for 2014. Frank reported collecting another round of source sampling for radium 228 and is waiting for the results, which he expects to be not detected just like the last sampling period. Frank explained that this is required for four consecutive quarters during the sampling period. Frank reported that Backflow Prevention Device inspection requirement notices will be going out to device owners on October 151 2015. Frank explained that device owners have 30-days to get their devices tested and certified. Frank also explained that any failed devices would have to be repaired within 30-days of the failed test results. Frank reported that failure to comply with this requirement will result in service disconnection. Frank reported that the Department of Public Health has been notified that the chromium 6 monitoring violation notice has been mailed to all area shareholders, with a copy and certification of distribution sent to the Department of Health. Frank stated that he has revised the company Water Quality Monitoring Plan and Biological Sample Sitting Plan and sent it to the Health Department and has received approval for the plans from the Health Department. Frank reported that the second half of the annual billing was mailed today and stated that 153 statements were mailed. Frank reported that he needs to replace a water main valve on Live Oak and Manzanita due to the fact that this valve is inoperable, and explained that this part of the system can still be isolated using secondary isolation valves, but by doing this it puts more customers out of water when repairs need to be done. Frank recommended that this valve be replaced. Frank also stated that he will be working on turning the barrels of the hydrants in the system that need to be adjusted in this fashion. Frank also explained that he needs to rebuild water source sample taps to comply with the new standards.
Frank advised the Board that he needs to put new tires on the service truck and has three estimates. The estimates are $737.00, $651.00, and $666.00. Frank recommended $666.00 from Discount Tires. All present agreed . Frank also reported that he and Regis got together and visited the main components of our distribution system, and reported that all biological samples have been absent for bacteria and that the last positive we had was in 2007.