Frank reported pump and booster running times have averaged 1.6 hours per day over the last month with standing water levels remaining stable. Standing water levels are as follows: 38-feet at well one, 17-feet at well two, and the horizontal well is producing 10.5 gallons per minute which is up from the previous months production. Frank reported that our total demand for water in 2015 was 24,411,532-gallons which is 3.75-million gallons less then the total demand for 2014. Frank stated that our water conservation efforts are working and our overall demand since 2002 has declined by almost 50%.
Ron Ritter stated that our annual demand was about 42-million gallons annually prior to adoption of our water conservation plan. Frank stated that it was actually 46-million gallons annually and we have seen a dramatic decline in demand since our plan became affective. Norm Cione asked Frank if these numbers need to be reported to the State? Frank replied that the numbers are reported annually.
Frank reported that no leaks have been reported or found over the last couple of months.
Frank reported installing additional fencing on the tank ladders to keep trespassers from accessing the roofs of the tanks. Frank reported that someone broke into the shed at the tank site by removing the lock hasp with a screwdriver. Frank explained that a new hasp assembly has been installed with three-inch drywall screws to prevent this from happenin g again. Frank reported purchasing three metal no trespassing signs with Penal Code Section labeling installed on them for use at the tank site.
Frank reported that while he was in New Mexico he got a call from David advising him that the pumps were running longer then normal and the tanks were overflowing. Frank had David switch from tank one to tank two in an effort to determine whether we had a defective float switch or a bad Com. System battery. Frank stated that switching from tank two to tank one worked for about two weeks and the tanks began overflowing again. Frank reported getting a voltmeter and going to the tank site and performing a voltage test on the battery. Once Frank determined that the battery was bad he replaced it and everything is working, as it should be. Frank stated that these batteries typically last 3 to 5 years and in this case the battery had been replaced three years ago.
Frank reported that there were no water issues due to the power outages that occurred during the snowstorm we had the beginning of January and no pump resets were required. Frank reported having a couple of additional emergency calls related to a broken sprinkler line and frozen pipes. Frank stated that the leak was isolated and repaired and he advised the customers with frozen pipes on what to do to get water flowing again. Frank reported that all system backflow devices have been tested with no failures.
Frank advised the Board that the next meeting is scheduled for February 24th and he has a CEU class scheduled for that day and won ‘t be able to attend a meeting on this date. Frank requested that the Board meeting be rescheduled for Thursday February 25th. Jon Kappeler made the motion to approve Frank ‘s request. Rob Follett second Jon ‘s motion . All in favor.
Frank reported that water quality monitoring continues on a regular schedule and all biological samples have been absent for coliform bacteria. Frank also reported that the third round of Radium-228 testing from our water sources has had a result of Not Detected.
All other maintenance has been routine.
Frank reported that a person in a Jeep Rubicon cut a curve on Mountain Home Creek Road and ran into him as he turned into that curve. Frank explained that the person responsible admitted fault and that the insurance company of the other driver would be taking care of the repairs to the service truck. Frank explained that the company would have to issue a check for the repairs and the insurance company would then reimburse the company.