Frank reported pump and booster running times are averaging 2.2 hours per day over the last month. Frank reported that standing water levels have not changed with 38-feet at well one, 17-feet at well two, with the horizontal well producing 8.83 gallons per minute. Frank stated that there has been a slight decline in horizontal well production over the last month.
Frank reported no leaks were found or reported over the last month. Frank reported that the main isolation valve on Live Oak and Manzanita has been repaired without having to replace the valve . Frank reported that the valve was excavated and we were able to make the valve operational by clearing the decomposed granite from around the valve, which had compacted , to a point around the valve stem that made operation impossible. Frank stated that the valve was exercised and is in good operational condition. Frank also reported replacing an old service valve at 6064 Manzanita Court. Frank advised the Board that Sam from Legend Pump and Well Service was up to do routine maintenance on our pumps and determined that all of the boosters and pumps are operating within specifications. Frank reported that backflow device testing is ongoing at this time with no failures and stated that there are three devices that still need to be tested. Frank reported that he and Regis Duncan got together and worked on our disaster response plan and provided copies of the revised plan to the Board members present . All other maintenance has been routine with all biological samples being absent for bacteria. Frank reminded the Board that he would be leaving for New Mexico on November 19th and should be back by the 25th or 26th. Frank reported that the system will be in good hands while he is gone and will remain in touch with David Miller and Michael Haahr should anything happen