Board Meeting Minutes 11/18/2015

Training Class for New Board Members

Frank advised the new Board members that a 2-hour training course on board ethics is required by State Law and provided contact information for the Board members to use.  Frank stated that the class can be done online and advised the Board to go to the California Rural Water Association or RCAC web site to obtain information and class schedules. Frank stated that the class will be a course regarding AB-54 requirements and a certificate of completion must be kept on file at the company office.

Moratorium Language

All present agreed to roll this agenda item over the next meeting agenda.

New Business Approval

Regis Duncan made the motion to approve the new business portion of this meetings agenda. Norman Cione second.  All in favor.

Open Discussion

Regis Duncan provided copies of a proposed employee self evaluation form for the Board to review.  Regis suggested that Frank evaluate his performance and send the completed form to the Company President and the Board President would then send it to Board members for their comments.  The completed forms would then be sent back to the President to consolidate the reports for evaluation of any salary increases.  No action taken by the Board on this proposal.

Regis Duncan suggested a review of the disaster preparedness plan for any necessary changes and Board approval.

Regis Duncan also suggested that Board member email addresses be included on the phone list.  Frank agreed but suggested that this is for Board members only.  All present agreed.


Norman Cione made the motion to adjourn the meeting.  Regis Duncan second.  All in favor. Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 6:30 PM at Fire Station 98, 5766 Frontage Road, Angelus Oaks, California.