Conservation Level 3
Mandatory water conservation policies are in effect.
PUMPS AND BOOSTER Pump and booster running times are averaging 2 hours per day ov~r the last month. Standing water levels have not changed over the last few month with 62~feet at well one, 40-feet at well 2, and the horizontal well is producing 7.5 Gallons per mmute. SYSTEM MAINTENANCE One service valve leak was
Date: 08/14/2017 Time: 9:00 AM until completed (several hours) Affected: Cedar Ave Reason: Water main upgrades Please keep water for drinking, sanitation and pets on hand to get you through this outage.
Due to current water main construction on Cedar Ave, it is necessary to temporarily chlorinate GMMWC’s water system to ensure continued clean drinking water throughout the construction process. You may taste or smell chlorine in your water for a few days. This is normal, and the water is completely safe to drink.
Date: Monday, 06/19/2017 Time: 10:00AM until Completed (Several Hours) Affected: Cedar Ave, Cedar Ct, Oak Ave, Oak Ct, Ponderosa Ave Reason: Water main upgrades Please keep water for drinking, sanitation and pets on hand to get you through this outage.
Starting at approximately 10:30AM on Friday, April 28th, 2017. Planned water outage for system repairs: water will be shut down for several hours so please prepare for a day long outage. Thank you.
There is going to be a water outage on Monday September 26, 2016 for system repairs on Mountain Home Creek Road water main. The outage is scheduled to begin about 10:00 AM and go for several hours. Areas affected will be Mountain Home Creek Rd, Robinoak, Lake Dr, and Sugar Pine Circle. Outage is necessary
Old Business Moratorium Rob Follett stated that he has emailed the proposed changes to the Board members and suggested that everyone review the proposal for discussion at the next meeting. All present agreed. Rob Follett made the motion to approve this request. Norman Cione second the motion. All in favor. Disaster Response Plan Regis Duncan asked if anyone
Frank reported that pump and booster running times have averaged 2.4 hours per day over the last month. Standing water levels have changed with standing water levels at 40-feet at well one, 20-feet at well two, and the horizontal well is producing 9-gallons per minute. Frank reported no problems with pumping over the last month.
Regular Checking Account: $130,094.29 Undeposited Funds $5,152.50 Certificate of Deposit $101,351.91 Certificate of Deposit# 2 $51,326.37 Total Current Balance $287,925.07 Accounts Receivable $127,702.51
Old Business Moratorium Regis Duncan suggested that this item be rolled over to the next meeting agenda due to the absence of Rob Follett. Jon Kappeler made the motion to approve this request. Regis Duncan second the motion. All in favor. Disaster Response Plan Regis Duncan suggested that this agenda item be rolled over to